Edmonton Journal

Mode President and CEO, Kelly Streit, watches the run through the night before.
Hailey opens the Women With Vision Scene.
The evening Gala at Shaw Conference centre
Madeline and Ciana Work it for Alligator Pie

Brett, Mason and Cam walk for Derks

Brett, Mason and Cam walk for Derks
This year's annual Fashion With Compassion show took place November 15th and was a smashing success! The Mode Models produced show had almost 80 of our best models walking for the incredible cause that is Forzani's Compassion House. The event was in our opinion the best yet and we couldn't be prouder of our fabulous faces! The show was so good that the sponsor, Syncrude, renewed for the next year without even seeing the Evening show! Great work everyone and thanks so much for participating in this amazing event! Can't wait for next year!